The Two Types of Newsletters—Which One Should You Launch?

Are you a coach looking for ways to generate leads consistently? Do you want to close new clients every month?

One of the most effective ways to do that is through email marketing. You build an email list of prospects and turn them into fans through your newsletter until they’re ready to buy from you.

In our previous blogs, we've explored the ins and outs of email marketing, emphasizing why you should build an email list and tips on how to grow one effectively. Now, let's dive deeper into the heart of the matter—creating a meaningful newsletter that keeps your email subscribers on the lookout for more.

What’s a newsletter?

Have you ever found yourself eagerly opening your inbox, knowing that an email from one of the brands you follow is waiting for you? Do you read their email line by line, because they give so much valuable information and actionable tips?

If so, you already understand the power of a well-crafted newsletter.

Newsletters are written content that you regularly send to your subscribers’ inboxes. It allows coaches like you to nurture your prospects (aka leads), giving them reasons to like and trust you with every email you send.

Why should you start one?

When we talk about creating a newsletter as a coach, we're not referring to those spammy emails that provide zero value and only serve to annoy recipients. We're talking about the complete opposite.

As a coach, you want to establish meaningful connections with your clients and prospects by providing them with fresh, valuable insights, resources, and support. A well-crafted newsletter allows you to do that.

By creating a newsletter, you have the opportunity to:

  • Share content that truly matters. It's a chance to deliver exclusive content, such as industry updates, success stories, case studies, and thought-provoking discussions tailored to their needs and interests.

  • Build trust, credibility, and loyalty. You can consistently demonstrate your expertise, showcase your coaching philosophy, and reinforce your position as a trusted advisor. Your newsletter becomes a valuable resource your audience looks forward to receiving, knowing they'll gain something of substance from each issue.

  • Stay connected with your clients and prospects regularly. It keeps your coaching practice on their radar, reminding them of the value you provide.

  • Create a sense of community. Use the space to encourage interaction, invite feedback, and share success stories.

Types of Newsletters

When it comes to newsletters, the options out there are as diverse as can be. You'll find newsletters of all shapes and sizes that cover a wide range of topics. But remember—not all of them will deliver the results you desire.

According to Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole, “There are only 2 types of newsletters that work.”

Short & Curated: Newsletters in a fast-moving category that compress a ton of information on a specific subject into a quick read.

Long & Original Thinking: Newsletters in a dense, thoughtful category that provide in-depth insight, analysis, and unique information on a specific subject.

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Curated Newsletter

It's a fast-paced world out there, and some people are looking to get nuggets of wisdom as quickly as possible. That’s where a short and curated newsletter comes in.

This type of newsletter offers a unique value proposition: they’ll save you time by curating the most relevant and interesting information on a specific subject.

An example of this kind of newsletter is The Hustle. Their curated content caters to busy innovators who want to keep on track with the trends without investing significant time and effort.

A short and curated newsletter is suitable for:

  • Fast-moving industries. If you’re a coach from an industry where new information, trends, or developments frequently emerge, a curated newsletter is an excellent way to help your subscribers stay up-to-date without spending excessive time searching for relevant content.

  • Non-niche topics- It will be hard to curate content if there’s not a lot of information to get from. That’s why broader issues, such as finance, business, and personal development, are preferable in this type of newsletter.

  • Starting out. Curating content for your audience is an easier, faster way to kickstart delivering value. It's like being a helpful guide who handpicks the best resources and insights to share with your readers so they don’t have to jump into the rabbit hole.

Original Thinking Newsletter

This type of newsletter is not about handing you quick tips or surface-level information. While a short and curated newsletter is a time-saving delight, this in-depth newsletter is a thought provoker. It’s all about exploring a specific topic in great detail, providing comprehensive analysis, expert perspectives, and deep insights.

As a coach, creating this type of newsletter lets you share your expertise and provide unique value to your audience. You can go beyond the basics, offering in-depth explanations, practical strategies, and thought-provoking ideas.

The goal is to keep your readers thinking and captivate them with your knowledge about the subject matter. You want them to regard you as an expert.

The Digital Writing Compass is an example of an Original Thinking Newsletter. Every email “is a Deep Dive into the content strategies, writing frameworks, and money-making business models that power million-dollar digital businesses.”

And as subscribers ourselves, we love the original frameworks they share.

An Original Thinking Newsletter is suitable for:

  • Breaking down complex topics. If you’re from an industry with niche topics, this newsletter guides your subscribers through the maze of intricacies. It makes the seemingly daunting information accessible and relatable.

  • Demonstrating your expertise. You can delve deep into industry trends, share your unique perspectives, and offer valuable insights that position you as a thought leader.

  • Offering actionable insights. It’s an excellent opportunity to empower your subscribers to take action, implement your recommendations, and see actual results in their lives—solidifying their trust in you.

  • Building an expertise business. Go all out with your creativity and unique, fresh perspectives! You not only establish your credibility and authority when you send out original content. You also set yourself apart from your competitors.

Choosing what’s best for you

A newsletter is excellent for fostering connection, sparking conversations, and bringing delightful insights. Choosing between a Curated or an Original Thinking Newsletter ultimately comes down to finding the right balance that aligns with your expertise and passion while resonating with the needs and wants of your audience.

Take the time to explore both options, consider the nature of your content, and reflect on the kind of experience you want to provide. Do you envision yourself as a trusted curator, handpicking valuable content for your audience? Or do you thrive on diving deep into a subject, unraveling its intricacies, and offering unique insights?

Samantha Ileto

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, I’m diving deeper into the complexities of human connection through the art of writing. On weekdays, I write for a living as a marketing copywriter. On weekends, I write for a cause as a volunteer for conscious social and environmental non-profits. 


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